Plywood Foot Stool

Case Study 6 of Our Bespoke Case Studies Series

At Dust Shack we make furniture in all shapes and sizes. So, when we were approached to make two matching plywood foot stools for a local holiday accommodation, we were happy to assist.

The stools needed to fit perfectly under the tables in their cosy glamping wagons, so they could be tucked away in the day, but easily accessible to give visitors a step into the high bed at night. To help us visualise the space, we were provided with photos of the proposed locations for the stools. This gave us some context and helped us to design the stools to the style of the accommodation. Using the measurements provided, we then drew up a 3D sketch for the customer’s approval.


As part of our quotations, we always provide a range of images to better communicate how the final product will look. This was no exception. In our quotation for the foot stools we included images showing the foot stool with some perspective, as well as the completed product measurements.  To add a personal touch, we suggested engraving the logo of the holiday accommodation into the stools. We created a digital image of what this would look like to help the customer visualise the final piece.

Once the customer was happy to proceed, we produced the stools, securing them with mortise and tenor joints to create a strong and elegant finish, with no visible fixings. The stools were then finished in a hard wearing Poly-x Oil, and quality checked by yours truly. 


Both stools were then securely packaged and shipped out to their new home. As always, we really enjoy seeing the finished product in its final location. If you would like to take a closer look at these stools, why not treat yourself to a glamping getaway at Graig Wen’s beautiful Quarry Wagons (any excuse for a get-away, eh)!


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